Tanya Deshpande

Friday 20 March 2015

Roles & Responsibilities of the Citizens

I am the head of the Farenian Community and my job is to help this community to make the right choices to make it prosper and ensure all the citizens live in peace and harmony. This keeps the community under control and happy.

Under my leadership, I have a team of experienced ministers who assist me in running this community.

The roles and responsibilities of the head and the ministers: 

  • Head of the Community
    • Ensures community peace and happiness
    • Final decision maker for all conflicts
  • Ministers of Judgement of Crimes
    • Judge what punishment to be given depending on the crime committed
  • Ministers of Recreation
    • Organize fun activities 
    • Ensure citizens are relaxed, having fun and participate
  • Ministers of Law and Order
    • Enforce the law and keep the community in order
    • Making sure that the rules are not broken 
    • Keep Ferania safe
  • Health Inspectors
    • Maintain good health in the citizens
  • Educational Managers
    • Run the school
    • Create a balanced curriculum
    • Ensure that every single citizen is literate and has a right to education
  • Consultants
    • Give advice to citizens 
    • Resolves disputes
Other than the jobs that contribute to the government, there are other placements. We have the traders who trade with the neighbouring country. We also have the chefs, who cook for the entire community, the farmers, who cultivate more fruits and vegetables than each family, and the writers, who write fascinating poetry and novels for the community to read.

Then, there are the teachers who teach and inspire students at either the school or the University of the Undecided, and last of all we have the interior designers (or the architects), who design the houses for the citizens.

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