Tanya Deshpande

Saturday 28 March 2015

Laws & Punishments

To keep the community in order, there are, of course, laws and punishments.

1. No theft.
2. No savagery, physical violence, or blackmailing of any kind.
3. Every child/university student must attend school during school hours unless they have a valid reason for not attending their school/university.
4. Every family, at the end of each harvesting season, must share all their cultivated foods with the community.
5. Lying is not acceptable.
6. Murder of a human is absolutely unacceptable.

After a crime is committed, the offender is immediately sent to the Department of Judgement, where the Ministers of Judgment of Crimes will take a decision on what the suitable punishment is to be.

There are a range of punishments depending on the severity of the crime committed. The least severe punishment is to have to spend two hours in a classroom, getting lectured about why what they did was wrong. The harshest punishment is to be imprisoned.

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