Tanya Deshpande

Saturday 28 March 2015

Laws & Punishments

To keep the community in order, there are, of course, laws and punishments.

1. No theft.
2. No savagery, physical violence, or blackmailing of any kind.
3. Every child/university student must attend school during school hours unless they have a valid reason for not attending their school/university.
4. Every family, at the end of each harvesting season, must share all their cultivated foods with the community.
5. Lying is not acceptable.
6. Murder of a human is absolutely unacceptable.

After a crime is committed, the offender is immediately sent to the Department of Judgement, where the Ministers of Judgment of Crimes will take a decision on what the suitable punishment is to be.

There are a range of punishments depending on the severity of the crime committed. The least severe punishment is to have to spend two hours in a classroom, getting lectured about why what they did was wrong. The harshest punishment is to be imprisoned.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Topographical Map

This is the topographic map of Farenia. Our neighbouring country is The Void, our ally, with whom we trade with to be provided with all the essential resources.

This is the close-up map of Farenia:

Sunday 22 March 2015


During the citizen's leisure time, there are various different recreational activities accessible for the community. The most common one is the trampoline park.

We have one humongous trampoline park situated right next to the school, and it is an entertaining area where children and adults alike can jump around. We have padded the entire trampoline park with soft, bouncy mats to avoid any injuries or accidents. In addition to that, we also have adult supervisors who look out to ensure that the children are safe and don't hurt themselves. 

Other recreational activities include roller-blading, team games and sports, and more. For those who want to be in a quieter, calmer environment, we have the Farenian Library which is open to all citizens, and there are hundreds of interesting books available for the voracious readers.

For the Elders, there are walking tracks that take you through the nature which have breathtaking sceneries. This is a very favourable pastime for the Elders, who thoroughly enjoy these walks - immersing themselves in the nature. 

Saturday 21 March 2015

Official Flag of Farenia

That is the official flag of Farenia. The infinity sign signifies that the Farenian Community will never cease to prosper and the community will go on for generations and generations. The birds in the infinity sign represent the liveliness and natural beauty of Farenia.

Friday 20 March 2015


To move around the town, we use roller-blades and hover-float. Roller-blades are quick to put on, lightweight and very easy to learn how to use. In the Farenian community, children start using roller-blades at the age of 4. Roller-blades can go up to a high speed due to the manufacturing system we use.

Hover-floats are used to go for longer distances within Farenia and they are very smooth, fast and comfortable. The citizens of Farenia each receive a hover-float at the age of 14, when they are trusted enough to drive a hover-float.

Not only used as one of the main forms of transportation, skating has proved to be a popular pastime within our community. All in all, skating around the town in roller-blades as the form of transportation is enjoyable, easy and efficient. 

For trade, Farenia uses speedboats to go to the trade center of The Void. These speedboats are quick and efficient and are perfect for this use. 

Roles & Responsibilities of the Citizens

I am the head of the Farenian Community and my job is to help this community to make the right choices to make it prosper and ensure all the citizens live in peace and harmony. This keeps the community under control and happy.

Under my leadership, I have a team of experienced ministers who assist me in running this community.

The roles and responsibilities of the head and the ministers: 

  • Head of the Community
    • Ensures community peace and happiness
    • Final decision maker for all conflicts
  • Ministers of Judgement of Crimes
    • Judge what punishment to be given depending on the crime committed
  • Ministers of Recreation
    • Organize fun activities 
    • Ensure citizens are relaxed, having fun and participate
  • Ministers of Law and Order
    • Enforce the law and keep the community in order
    • Making sure that the rules are not broken 
    • Keep Ferania safe
  • Health Inspectors
    • Maintain good health in the citizens
  • Educational Managers
    • Run the school
    • Create a balanced curriculum
    • Ensure that every single citizen is literate and has a right to education
  • Consultants
    • Give advice to citizens 
    • Resolves disputes
Other than the jobs that contribute to the government, there are other placements. We have the traders who trade with the neighbouring country. We also have the chefs, who cook for the entire community, the farmers, who cultivate more fruits and vegetables than each family, and the writers, who write fascinating poetry and novels for the community to read.

Then, there are the teachers who teach and inspire students at either the school or the University of the Undecided, and last of all we have the interior designers (or the architects), who design the houses for the citizens.


The objective of our schooling curriculum is to build a community full of well-rounded, aware and healthy people who are not only educated, but also have a sense of fun and relaxation. 

We have a semi laid-back schooling system which gives a perfect balance of learning, exercising to stay healthy, and fun. There is school four times a week, and six hours a day. These six hours are broken down into three parts: 
  • Three hours are dedicated to working hard and learning all about the world
  • One hour in between to eat lunch and relax with friends
  • And the last two hours of school is spent doing various sports and creative activities.
The students usually graduate from school at the age of sixteen. They then have the choice to go to the University of the Undecided, or straight away start their career path if they know what they want to do. 

The University of the Undecided offers a further, more thorough education on all topics - arts (creative writing, interior designing, music, etc), economics (trade), agriculture, help to lead the Farenian Community, teaching, cooking, and a lot more. This University offers a five-year course which helps them choose the right career path.

If the students, after graduating from school, are decided about their future, or somewhat decided, they can give back to the society by taking up a job. They can take a job in whatever interests them - teaching, sports, architecture, cooking for the community, farming, trading, or being a part of the government. Any job that they decide to take up is giving back and contributing to the society.


The cuisine of my Farenian Community is a combination of diverse flavours and cultures. In my community, we eat only vegetarian foods. 

All the food provided is organically grown with no chemicals used. We grow all our food in the community. Every family is responsible for cultivating certain vegetables, crops, fruits, and dairy products. 

We keep a record of which family is growing which foods, and this helps to ensure that there is more than enough food for the entire community.

Our community has an assortment of several dishes which are prepared daily by our professional chefs. We have a large team of chefs who cook food for the community. Our Farenian chef specialities are prepared at the end of every week for the entire community as a treat after a long week of working hard. 

Thursday 19 March 2015

Community of Farenia

The community of Farenia is a Utopian society which is full of opportunities and natural wonders. We are a community of only around 200 citizens at this moment, but we intend to grow to a larger community.

We are a community that work together. Farenia is open to citizens of all cultures and ethnicity's and we do not tolerate or accept racism. We believe that everyone is equal - no matter what gender, age or skin colour.

We ensure that every citizen receives an education and has the opportunity to lead the life they want.